
RTP -- Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) Implementation.


#include <rtp.h>

#define     RTP_VERSION
#define     RTP_MAX_PACKET_LEN
typedef     rtp_packet;
typedef     rtcp_sr;
typedef     rtcp_rr;
enum        rtcp_sdes_type;
typedef     rtcp_sdes_item;
typedef     rtcp_app;
rtcp_app*   (*rtcp_app_callback)            (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t rtp_ts,
                                             int max_size);
enum        rtp_event_type;
typedef     rtp_event;
void        (*rtp_callback)                 (struct rtp *session,
                                             rtp_event *e);
enum        rtp_option;
rtp_t       rtp_init                        (const char *addr,
                                             uint16_t rx_port,
                                             uint16_t tx_port,
                                             int ttl,
                                             double rtcp_bw,
                                             rtp_callback callback,
                                             uint8_t *userdata);
rtp_t       rtp_init_if                     (const char *addr,
                                             char *iface,
                                             uint16_t rx_port,
                                             uint16_t tx_port,
                                             int ttl,
                                             double rtcp_bw,
                                             rtp_callback callback,
                                             uint8_t *userdata);
void        rtp_send_bye                    (struct rtp *session);
void        rtp_done                        (struct rtp *session);
int         rtp_set_option                  (struct rtp *session,
                                             rtp_option optname,
                                             int optval);
int         rtp_get_option                  (struct rtp *session,
                                             rtp_option optname,
                                             int *optval);
int         rtp_recv                        (struct rtp *session,
                                             struct timeval *timeout,
                                             uint32_t curr_rtp_ts);
int         rtp_send_data                   (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t rtp_ts,
                                             char pt,
                                             int m,
                                             int cc,
                                             uint32_t csrc[],
                                             char *data,
                                             int data_len,
                                             char *extn,
                                             uint16_t extn_len,
                                             uint16_t extn_type);
void        rtp_send_ctrl                   (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t rtp_ts,
                                             rtcp_app_callback appcallback);
void        rtp_update                      (struct rtp *session);
uint32_t    rtp_my_ssrc                     (struct rtp *session);
int         rtp_add_csrc                    (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t csrc);
int         rtp_del_csrc                    (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t csrc);
int         rtp_set_sdes                    (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t ssrc,
                                             rtcp_sdes_type type,
                                             const char *value,
                                             int length);
const char* rtp_get_sdes                    (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t ssrc,
                                             rtcp_sdes_type type);
const rtcp_sr* rtp_get_sr                   (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t ssrc);
const rtcp_rr* rtp_get_rr                   (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t reporter,
                                             uint32_t reportee);
int         rtp_set_encryption_key          (struct rtp *session,
                                             const char *passphrase);
int         rtp_set_my_ssrc                 (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t ssrc);
char*       rtp_get_addr                    (struct rtp *session);
uint16_t    rtp_get_rx_port                 (struct rtp *session);
uint16_t    rtp_get_tx_port                 (struct rtp *session);
int         rtp_get_ttl                     (struct rtp *session);
uint8_t*    rtp_get_userdata                (struct rtp *session);


The Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) is a protocol for the transport of audio, video, and other real-time data across IP capable networks.



#define RTP_VERSION 2


#define RTP_MAX_PACKET_LEN 1500


typedef struct {
	/* The following are pointers to the data in the packet as    */
	/* it came off the wire. The packet it read in such that the  */
	/* header maps onto the latter part of this struct, and the   */
	/* fields in this first part of the struct point into it. The */
	/* entire packet can be freed by freeing this struct, without */
	/* having to free the csrc, data and extn blocks separately.  */
	/* WARNING: Don't change the size of the first portion of the */
	/* struct without changing RTP_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE to match.   */
	uint32_t	*csrc;
	char		*data;
	int		 data_len;
	unsigned char	*extn;
	uint16_t	 extn_len;	/* Size of the extension in 32 bit words minus one */
	uint16_t	 extn_type;	/* Extension type field in the RTP packet header   */
	/* The following map directly onto the RTP packet header...   */
	unsigned short   v:2;		/* packet type                */
	unsigned short   p:1;		/* padding flag               */
	unsigned short   x:1;		/* header extension flag      */
	unsigned short   cc:4;		/* CSRC count                 */
	unsigned short   m:1;		/* marker bit                 */
	unsigned short   pt:7;		/* payload type               */
	unsigned short   cc:4;		/* CSRC count                 */
	unsigned short   x:1;		/* header extension flag      */
	unsigned short   p:1;		/* padding flag               */
	unsigned short   v:2;		/* packet type                */
	unsigned short   pt:7;		/* payload type               */
	unsigned short   m:1;		/* marker bit                 */
	uint16_t          seq;		/* sequence number            */
	uint32_t          ts;		/* timestamp                  */
	uint32_t          ssrc;		/* synchronization source     */
	/* The csrc list, header extension and data follow, but can't */
	/* be represented in the struct.                              */
} rtp_packet;

The struct begins with pointers to the data in the packet as it came off the wire. The packet is read in such that the header maps onto the latter part of this struct, and the fields in this first part of the struct point into it. The entire packet can be freed by freeing this struct, without having to free the csrc, data and extn blocks separately. WARNING: Don't change the size of the first portion of the struct without changing RTP_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE to match.


#define RTP_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE	((sizeof(char *) * 2) + sizeof(uint32_t *) + (2 * sizeof(int)))

This macro MUST resolve to the offset of the first packet field in the rtp_packet struct, including all padding. If you change rtp_packet, make sure to change this too.


typedef struct {
	uint32_t         ssrc;
	uint32_t         ntp_sec;
	uint32_t         ntp_frac;
	uint32_t         rtp_ts;
	uint32_t         sender_pcount;
	uint32_t         sender_bcount;
} rtcp_sr;


typedef struct {
	uint32_t	ssrc;		/* The ssrc to which this RR pertains */
	uint32_t	fract_lost:8;
	uint32_t	total_lost:24;
	uint32_t	total_lost:24;
	uint32_t	fract_lost:8;
	uint32_t	last_seq;
	uint32_t	jitter;
	uint32_t	lsr;
	uint32_t	dlsr;
} rtcp_rr;

enum rtcp_sdes_type

typedef enum {
        RTCP_SDES_END   = 0,
        RTCP_SDES_CNAME = 1,
        RTCP_SDES_NAME  = 2,
        RTCP_SDES_EMAIL = 3,
        RTCP_SDES_PHONE = 4,
        RTCP_SDES_LOC   = 5,
        RTCP_SDES_TOOL  = 6,
        RTCP_SDES_NOTE  = 7,
        RTCP_SDES_PRIV  = 8
} rtcp_sdes_type;

Possible values of Session Description (SDES) identifiers. SDES items are announced via rtp_callback (with RX_SDES events) when they are received. SDES items may be configured and queried with rtp_set_sdes and rtp_get_sdes. The RTP guidelines recommend keeping SDES items constant during an RTP session to avoid confusing end users.

RTCP_SDES_ENDIndicates the end of SDES item processing when SDES data is received. Has no meaning with rtp_set_sdes and rtp_get_sdes.
RTCP_SDES_CNAMEThe canonical name associated with participant. It is algorithmically derived and should never be changed.
RTCP_SDES_NAMEThe local participant's name, typically displayed in RTP session participant list. The name can take any form, and should remain constant during a session to avoid confusion.
RTCP_SDES_EMAILThe local participant's email address (optional).
RTCP_SDES_PHONEThe local participant's telephone number (optional).
RTCP_SDES_LOCThe local participant's geographic location (optional).
RTCP_SDES_TOOLThe local participant's tool (optional).
RTCP_SDES_NOTEAny additional information the local participant wishes to communicate about themselves (optional).
RTCP_SDES_PRIVPrivate extension SDES item see RFC1889 for details.


typedef struct {
	rtcp_sdes_type	type;		/* type of SDES item              */
	uint8_t		length;		/* length of SDES item (in bytes) */
	char		data[1];	/* text, not zero-terminated      */
} rtcp_sdes_item;


typedef struct {
	unsigned short  version:2;	/* RTP version            */
	unsigned short  p:1;		/* padding flag           */
	unsigned short  subtype:5;	/* application dependent  */
	unsigned short  subtype:5;	/* application dependent  */
	unsigned short  p:1;		/* padding flag           */
	unsigned short  version:2;	/* RTP version            */
	unsigned short  pt:8;		/* packet type            */
	uint16_t        length;		/* packet length          */
	uint32_t        ssrc;
	char            name[4];        /* four ASCII characters  */
	char            data[1];        /* variable length field  */
} rtcp_app;

rtcp_app_callback ()

rtcp_app*   (*rtcp_app_callback)            (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t rtp_ts,
                                             int max_size);

This callback function crafts an RTCP APP packet to be sent with an RTCP RR.

session :the session pointer (returned by rtp_init())
rtp_ts :the current time expressed in units of the media timestamp.
max_size :the max allowed size of an APP packet.
Returns :A fully-formed RTCP APP packet as an rtcp_app, or NULL (???) if no APP packet needs to be sent at this time.

enum rtp_event_type

typedef enum {
        RX_BYE,         /* Source is leaving the session, database entry is still valid */
        SOURCE_DELETED, /* Source has been removed from the database                    */
        RX_RR_EMPTY,    /* We've received an empty reception report block                                               */
        RX_RTCP_START,  /* Processing a compound RTCP packet about to start. The SSRC is not valid in this event. */
        RX_RTCP_FINISH,	/* Processing a compound RTCP packet finished. The SSRC is not valid in this event.  */
} rtp_event_type;

The possible values for the type field in rtp_event. Each value represents an event in RTP or RTCP processing.

RX_RTPAn RTP data packet was received. The ssrc field contains the RTP data packet's SSRC. The data field points to a rtp_packet containing the RTP data packet. The callback must free the rtp_packet when it's done with it using the xfree() function.
RX_SRAn RTCP SR packet was received. The ssrc field contains the SR packet's SSRC. The data field points to an rtcp_sr.
RX_RRAn RTCP RR packet was received. The ssrc field contains the RR packet's SSRC. The data field points to an rtcp_rr.
RX_SDESAn RTCP SDES packet was received. The ssrc field contains the SDES packet's SSRC. The data field points to an rtcp_sdes_item.
RX_BYEAn RTCP BYE packet was received. The ssrc field contains the BYE packet's SSRC.
SOURCE_CREATEDA new session participant was heard from. The ssrc field contains the new participant's SSRC.
SOURCE_DELETEDA source was deleted from the database. The ssrc field contains the ex-participant's SSRC.
RX_RR_EMPTYAn RTCP RR packet with no sources listed was received. The ssrc field contains the RR packet's SSRC.
RX_RTCP_STARTCalled at the start of parsing an RTCP packet. Neither the ssrc nor data fields are valid.
RX_RTCP_FINISHCalled at the end of parsing an RTCP packet. Neither the ssrc nor data fields are valid.
RR_TIMEOUTAn RR from the given receiver has not been refreshed recently enough. The ssrc field contains the RR packet's SSRC. The data field points to the expiring rtcp_rr.
RX_APPAn APP packet was received. The ssrc field contains the APP packet's SSRC. The data field points to an rtcp_app. The callback must free the app packet when it's done with it.


typedef struct {
	uint32_t	 ssrc;
	rtp_event_type	 type;
	void		*data;
	struct timeval	*ts;
} rtp_event;

The event structure as passed to rtp_callback(). The callback type is carried in the type field; see rtp_event_type for a description of each callback. Unless otherwise noted, the ssrc field contains the SSRC of the participant triggering this callback. The data field points to any data contained in this callback; it must be cast to the appropriate type. The ts field contains the timestamp of the packet reception that caused this event.

rtp_callback ()

void        (*rtp_callback)                 (struct rtp *session,
                                             rtp_event *e);

Handles RTP events in an application-specific way. See rtp_event for a description of the possible events and how rtp_callback() should handle each.

session :The RTP Session.
e :The RTP Event information. See rtp_event.

enum rtp_option

typedef enum {
        RTP_OPT_PROMISC =	    1,
} rtp_option;

The possible options for a session that affect which RTP packets are passed to the application and when internal state for sources is created.

RTP_OPT_PROMISCPass RTP packets to application irrespective of whether a sender report has been received. Normally, participant state is created when a sender report is received and RTP packets that arrive prior to the sender report are discarded.
RTP_OPT_WEAK_VALIDATIONCreate source state when RTP packets arrive if none exists. This option is set by default. Disabling the option means source state is only created when sender reports are received.
RTP_OPT_FILTER_MY_PACKETSFilter out packets from local participant if they are received. With multicast sessions, packets may be looped back, causing senders packets to be received locally. This may be filtered out with this option.

rtp_init ()

rtp_t       rtp_init                        (const char *addr,
                                             uint16_t rx_port,
                                             uint16_t tx_port,
                                             int ttl,
                                             double rtcp_bw,
                                             rtp_callback callback,
                                             uint8_t *userdata);

addr : IP destination of this session (unicast or multicast), as an ASCII string. May be a host name, which will be looked up, or may be an IPv4 dotted quad or IPv6 literal adddress.
rx_port : The port to which to bind the UDP socket
tx_port : The port to which to send UDP packets
ttl : The TTL with which to send multicasts
rtcp_bw : The total bandwidth (in units of bytes per second) that is allocated to RTCP.
callback : See section on rtp_callback.
userdata : Opaque data associated with the session. See rtp_get_userdata().
Returns : An opaque session identifier to be used in future calls to the RTP library functions, or NULL on failure.

rtp_init_if ()

rtp_t       rtp_init_if                     (const char *addr,
                                             char *iface,
                                             uint16_t rx_port,
                                             uint16_t tx_port,
                                             int ttl,
                                             double rtcp_bw,
                                             rtp_callback callback,
                                             uint8_t *userdata);

Creates and initializes an RTP session.

addr : IP destination of this session (unicast or multicast), as an ASCII string. May be a host name, which will be looked up, or may be an IPv4 dotted quad or IPv6 literal adddress.
iface : If the destination of the session is multicast, the optional interface to bind to. May be NULL, in which case the default multicast interface as determined by the system will be used.
rx_port : The port to which to bind the UDP socket
tx_port : The port to which to send UDP packets
ttl : The TTL with which to send multicasts
rtcp_bw : The total bandwidth (in units of ___) that is allocated to RTCP.
callback : See section on rtp_callback.
userdata : Opaque data associated with the session. See rtp_get_userdata().
Returns : An opaque session identifier to be used in future calls to the RTP library functions, or NULL on failure.

rtp_send_bye ()

void        rtp_send_bye                    (struct rtp *session);

Sends a BYE message on the RTP session, indicating that this system is leaving the session. Should implement reverse reconsideration; right now it sends a BYE if there are less than 50 members and sends nothing otherwise.

session : The RTP session

rtp_done ()

void        rtp_done                        (struct rtp *session);

Free the state associated with the given RTP session. This function does not send any packets (e.g. an RTCP BYE) - an application which wishes to exit in a clean manner should call rtp_send_bye() first.

session : the RTP session to finish

rtp_set_option ()

int         rtp_set_option                  (struct rtp *session,
                                             rtp_option optname,
                                             int optval);

Sets the value of a session option. See rtp_option for documentation on the options and their legal values.

session : The RTP session.
optname : The option name, see rtp_option.
optval : The value to set.
Returns : TRUE on success, else FALSE.

rtp_get_option ()

int         rtp_get_option                  (struct rtp *session,
                                             rtp_option optname,
                                             int *optval);

Retrieves the value of a session option. See rtp_option for documentation on the options and their legal values.

session : The RTP session.
optname : The option name, see rtp_option.
optval : The return value.
Returns : TRUE and the value of the option in optval on success, else FALSE.

rtp_recv ()

int         rtp_recv                        (struct rtp *session,
                                             struct timeval *timeout,
                                             uint32_t curr_rtp_ts);

Receive RTP packets and dispatch them.

session : the session pointer (returned by rtp_init())
timeout : the amount of time that rtcp_recv() is allowed to block
curr_rtp_ts : the current time expressed in units of the media timestamp.
Returns : TRUE if data received, FALSE if the timeout occurred.

rtp_send_data ()

int         rtp_send_data                   (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t rtp_ts,
                                             char pt,
                                             int m,
                                             int cc,
                                             uint32_t csrc[],
                                             char *data,
                                             int data_len,
                                             char *extn,
                                             uint16_t extn_len,
                                             uint16_t extn_type);

Send an RTP packet. Most media applications will only set the session, rtp_ts, pt, m, data, data_len arguments.

Mixers and translators typically set additional contributing sources arguments (cc, csrc).

Extensions fields (extn, extn_len, extn_type) are for including application specific information. When the widest amount of inter-operability is required these fields should be avoided as some applications discard packets with extensions they do not recognize.

session : the session pointer (returned by rtp_init())
rtp_ts : The timestamp reflects the sampling instant of the first octet of the RTP data to be sent. The timestamp is expressed in media units.
pt : The payload type identifying the format of the data.
m : Marker bit, interpretation defined by media profile of payload.
cc : Number of contributing sources (excluding local participant)
csrc : Array of SSRC identifiers for contributing sources.
data : The RTP data to be sent.
data_len : The size data in bytes.
extn : Extension data (if present).
extn_len : size of extn in bytes.
extn_type : extension type indicator.
Returns : Number of bytes transmitted.

rtp_send_ctrl ()

void        rtp_send_ctrl                   (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t rtp_ts,
                                             rtcp_app_callback appcallback);

Checks RTCP timer and sends RTCP data when nececessary. The interval between RTCP packets is randomized over an interval that depends on the session bandwidth, the number of participants, and whether the local participant is a sender. This function should be called at least once per second, and can be safely called more frequently.

session : the session pointer (returned by rtp_init())
rtp_ts : the current time expressed in units of the media timestamp.
appcallback : a callback to create an APP RTCP packet, if needed.

rtp_update ()

void        rtp_update                      (struct rtp *session);

Trawls through the internal data structures and performs housekeeping. This function should be called at least once per second. It uses an internal timer to limit the number of passes through the data structures to once per second, it can be safely called more frequently.

session : the session pointer (returned by rtp_init())

rtp_my_ssrc ()

uint32_t    rtp_my_ssrc                     (struct rtp *session);

session : The RTP Session.
Returns : The SSRC we are currently using in this session. Note that our SSRC can change at any time (due to collisions) so applications must not store the value returned, but rather should call this function each time they need it.

rtp_add_csrc ()

int         rtp_add_csrc                    (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t csrc);

Adds csrc to list of contributing sources used in SDES items. Used by mixers and transcoders.

session : the session pointer (returned by rtp_init())
csrc : Constributing SSRC identifier
Returns : TRUE.

rtp_del_csrc ()

int         rtp_del_csrc                    (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t csrc);

Removes csrc from list of contributing sources used in SDES items. Used by mixers and transcoders.

session : the session pointer (returned by rtp_init())
csrc : Constributing SSRC identifier
Returns : TRUE on success, FALSE if csrc is not a valid source.

rtp_set_sdes ()

int         rtp_set_sdes                    (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t ssrc,
                                             rtcp_sdes_type type,
                                             const char *value,
                                             int length);

Sets session description information associated with participant ssrc. Under normal circumstances applications always use the ssrc of the local participant, this SDES information is transmitted in receiver reports. Setting SDES information for other participants affects the local SDES entries, but are not transmitted onto the network.

session : the session pointer (returned by rtp_init())
ssrc : the SSRC identifier of a participant
type : the SDES type represented by value
value : the SDES description
length : the length of the description
Returns : Returns TRUE if participant exists, FALSE otherwise.

rtp_get_sdes ()

const char* rtp_get_sdes                    (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t ssrc,
                                             rtcp_sdes_type type);

Recovers session description (SDES) information on participant identified with ssrc. The SDES information associated with a source is updated when receiver reports are received. There are several different types of SDES information, e.g. username, location, phone, email. These are enumerated by rtcp_sdes_type.

session : the session pointer (returned by rtp_init())
ssrc : the SSRC identifier of a participant
type : the SDES information to retrieve
Returns : pointer to string containing SDES description if received, NULL otherwise.

rtp_get_sr ()

const rtcp_sr* rtp_get_sr                   (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t ssrc);

Retrieve the latest sender report made by sender with ssrc identifier.

session : the session pointer (returned by rtp_init())
ssrc : identifier of source
Returns : A pointer to an rtcp_sr structure on success, NULL otherwise. The pointer must not be freed.

rtp_get_rr ()

const rtcp_rr* rtp_get_rr                   (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t reporter,
                                             uint32_t reportee);

Retrieve the latest receiver report on reportee made by reporter. Provides an indication of other receivers reception service.

session : the session pointer (returned by rtp_init())
reporter : participant originating receiver report
reportee : participant included in receiver report
Returns : A pointer to a rtcp_rr structure on success, NULL otherwise. The pointer must not be freed.

rtp_set_encryption_key ()

int         rtp_set_encryption_key          (struct rtp *session,
                                             const char *passphrase);

Converts the user supplied key into a form suitable for use with RTP and install it as the active key. Passing in NULL as the passphrase disables encryption. The passphrase is converted into a DES key as specified in RFC1890, that is:

- convert to canonical form

- derive an MD5 hash of the canonical form

- take the first 56 bits of the MD5 hash

- add parity bits to form a 64 bit key

Note that versions of rat prior to 4.1.2 do not convert the passphrase to canonical form before taking the MD5 hash, and so will not be compatible for keys which are non-invarient under this step.

session : The RTP session.
passphrase : The user-provided "pass phrase" to map to an encryption key.
Returns : TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

rtp_set_my_ssrc ()

int         rtp_set_my_ssrc                 (struct rtp *session,
                                             uint32_t ssrc);

This function coerces the local SSRC identifer to be ssrc. For this function to succeed it must be called immediately after rtp_init or rtp_init_if. The intended purpose of this function is to co-ordinate SSRC's between layered sessions, it should not be used otherwise.

session : the RTP session
ssrc : the SSRC to be used by the RTP session
Returns : TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.

rtp_get_addr ()

char*       rtp_get_addr                    (struct rtp *session);

session : The RTP Session.
Returns : The session's destination address, as set when creating the session with rtp_init() or rtp_init_if().

rtp_get_rx_port ()

uint16_t    rtp_get_rx_port                 (struct rtp *session);

session : The RTP Session.
Returns : The UDP port to which this session is bound, as set when creating the session with rtp_init() or rtp_init_if().

rtp_get_tx_port ()

uint16_t    rtp_get_tx_port                 (struct rtp *session);

session : The RTP Session.
Returns : The UDP port to which RTP packets are transmitted, as set when creating the session with rtp_init() or rtp_init_if().

rtp_get_ttl ()

int         rtp_get_ttl                     (struct rtp *session);

session : The RTP Session.
Returns : The session's TTL, as set when creating the session with rtp_init() or rtp_init_if().

rtp_get_userdata ()

uint8_t*    rtp_get_userdata                (struct rtp *session);

This function returns the userdata pointer that was passed to the rtp_init() or rtp_init_if() function when creating this session.

session : The RTP session.
Returns : pointer to userdata.

See Also